In recent years, it has become widely popular to have a focus word for the new year. Positivity can come in various forms, and this is an easy way to focus on your desired changes daily, and in small bite size pieces. It can inspire on hard days. It can help you strive toward goals, no matter the size. We are all in different places of our life, so it’s important that “you do you”. Your word is for YOU! Whether it’s giving something up, starting something new, or maybe a little of both, remember that… you deserve to be happy, goals are attainable, and I believe in you! Keep reading below…

In Retrospect
The more I think about this subject, the more I realize that I have been doing this for quite a while, maybe before it was the cool thing to do, or atleast to announce it on social media. After my separation/divorce in 2008/2009 (end of one year and beginning of the next), I selected my passwords for logins to reflect on positive things that I needed for those years that followed. One year, my login included the word “happy”. It was hard to be happy and I needed to find that for me and my family. It was my daily reminder (100’s of times a day as I typed that word over and over).
In 2017, I chose the word “Diligence”, with “Freedom” following in 2018. In retrospect, both of those words provided to be true, and in so many ways. As 2018 comes to a close, there are 4 milestones that immediately come to mind. I’m not talking about my 100’s of blessings I experienced (I have a jar of those), but rather 4 big things that happened. I’m not ready to talk about all of them in detail here (another blog post for a later time), however, I will tell you that even in one of the hard times, FREEDOM was the end result. I have to remind myself daily that God has a bigger and better plan, even when it’s hard for me to see it. Let’s pause here and let me brag. In October of 2018, I became a Gigi with my first grandson Stewart being born. This was truly the highlight of my 2018, and I’m forever changed.

October 11, 2018
What’s the Word for 2019
Before choosing my word for 2019, I felt that I should pray about this, just as I had in the prior years. When the word “GROW” popped in my head, I thought maybe it was just from me, and not God. I tried to think of other words. Nothing seemed right. I prayed more. I earnestly tried to forget about this 4 letter word, hoping that God would give me a sign of something else. Nothing. The word “grow” actually scares the daylights out of me. Growing pains are no fun. I don’t mind getting out of my comfort zone, or do I? Ok, I need to stop overthinking this and let God lead me.
Last night proved to be a long sleepless night. This is not the norm for me. I’ve found my niche for a solid nights rest. I blamed my tossing and turning (and finally just getting out of bed) to caffeine late in the day. Regardless of the cause, God revealed to me in those moonlit hours that “grow” has more meaning than the obvious. It stands for God, Relationships, Occupation, and Within, atleast for me for 2019. It’s growth in various areas of my life. On a lighter note, it’s funny how God has a way to get me to listen, huh?
It’s still scary, but I’m committing to this God. Here am I.
Just a few days ago, I read how a friend was taking her “word of the year” and turning it into an affirmation. If the word “affirmation” scares you, like it’s voodoo or something, do not fear. An affirmation is simply a positive statement in the present tense, as if it is already in full effect (whether it is or not). The statement usually begins with the word “I” and does NOT include words like “will”, “want”, “might”, “could”, etc. It’s present tense, like “I am….”. As a certified Aroma Freedom Technique Practitioner, I fully believe that daily affirmations are beneficial, and scripture based (a topic for another time). I’ll spend the next few days writing out affirmations on note cards and placing them in my home for me to read daily. They’ll be based on my 2019 word of “GROW”. I’ll also take the scriptures that I researched in my restless hours and use them as gentle reminders of encouragement and focus.
If you have not chosen a word for 2019, it’s never too late. Start praying about this and let God direct you. January 1 is NOT the only day to start #allthethings that you want to do to improve YOU. Every day that we are given the chance to wake up, is a day to be the best version of ourselves that we can be.
22 The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
his mercies never come to an end;
23 they are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23 ESV
In closing, listen to this song. You have 525,600 minutes in a year (Lord willing). How will you spend them? Be blessed in 2019! Here’s to a happy and healthy YOU! CHEERS!
P.S. Share this with a friend who needs a little pick-me-up!