Forget the resolutions. Forget the bucket list (for items to do before you die). I present to you a positive spin for living your best life in 2021- a LIFE LIST. Simply put, a list of things you want to experience, see, or do during the 365 days of 2021. Download your FREE template and complete your list as an individual, or as a family. Hang your life giving list where you will see it daily. Let’s make 2021 the best year ever. Lord only knows we need it after such a challenging 2020.
List ideas:
- Have a picnic
- Find an arrowhead
- Geocache
- Go swimming in a creek
- Chase waterfalls
- Visit a cave
- Attend a Hot Air Balloon Festival
- Random acts of kindness
- Serve at a local soup kitchen
- Donate time at a local goodwill type charity
- Have a candle lit dinner with someone special
- Learn to dance
- Go on an adventure
- Take a friend on an ice cream date
- Have the family over for a fun themed meal
- Go to a drive in movie
- Learn a new hobby
Whatever makes your heart happy, do those things!